Monday, January 15, 2007

The Food We Eat In a Week!

This food list, every bit of food I ate for the last week, may seem like a small amount, but I assure you I am never hungry. And weeks vary, some weeks I eat lots of vegetables, sometimes more meat, occasionally dairy products like cheese or yogurt - never milk as I have a natural aversion to the taste probably the result of being a bronchial child not allowed milk as mucous-causing. Anyway it's never hurt me and I certainly don't seem to suffer calcium deficiency. My fingernails are as strong as hard plastic and my teeth are good! Most days I drink quite a lot of water. Sometimes I pig out on something that hums to me, could be anything from chocolate cake to pickled herrings.

With so much beautiful food around it's not surprising most people in western society overeat. It's very tempting. It's a national pastime to cook and share gourmet foods with friends. I don't see anything wrong with that except the amount we consume. Far more than we need to have a healthy body. If everyone cut down on their consumption even a bit, we wouldn't be facing the problems associated with obesity as our society gets fatter and fatter! The diet industry would go out of business if we all took responsibility for our own bodies and stopped blaming outside factors, genetics or anything else. It's simple - you really ARE what you eat!

I am 5' 4" (163cm) and have had a constant weight between 110 and 120lbs (50 - 54K) for the last 20 years. I have never dieted and do very gentle leg and arm weight exercise mostly to keep muscle toned. Face exercises too. They don't do much for weight but help keep toned. Weight-bearing exercises are recommended at any age, not only for toning muscles but supposedly improving memory and mental alertness. As a grandmother of teenage girls we share the same clothes size! (They're more likely to wear mine than I am to wear theirs!)

The list below is just one week of my food intake and in order to show a fuller variety of menus I am continuing my notes and will post each week in the hope of inspiring you to do the same. It's not meant as a diet, don't go hungry. It is a list of the food that hummed to me and satisfied my hunger. Everyone will be different. Just for a week, try writing down every morsel of food and drink you have. It hardly needs to be said you must be totally honest and not leave anything out, not even a peanut! A lot of eating we do almost automatically and keeping a list will make you stop and think. Maybe you don't really want that second piece of cake, it won't look good on the list!

Please come back to post your list and share your comments.

ALL food from Sunday 7 January 2007 to Saturday 13 Jan
2 x black coffee
1 slice wholegrain toast & vegemite
2 passionfruit
Laksa - noodles, fish, prawns
pineapple juice

2 x black coffee
1 slice wholegrain toast & vegemite
1 apricot danish
small bowl meusli
2 enchiladas
mineral water
pineapple juice

2 x black coffee
1 passionfruit
small bowl meusli
2 yogurt meusli bars
large bowl salad
1 slice wholemeal bread w proscutto
1 piece fruit cake
pineapple juice

2 x black coffee
1 slice wholemeal toast w proscutto
1 banana
1 nectarine
glass berrocca B
1 baileys & vodka on ice
Thai chicken curry w rice
pineapple juice

3 x black coffee
2 nectarines
ham, cheese, salad on turkish bread
2 x macadamia cookies
few grapes & cherries
1 vodka and tonic
hamburger w salad on bun
pineapple juice

2 x black coffee
KFC zinger burger
sips of mountain view
1 butter cookie
8 oysters natural
grilled fish, salad, few chips
slice fruit cake
pineapple juice

2 x black coffee
1 croissant w jam
1 banana
1 nectarine
Udon noodles w asian veg & chicken
frozen berry cream dessert
pineapple juice


Rivergirl said...

Wow Moonchild, you do have a very healthy diet and no excesses. I'd write what I eat down except I fall down terribly later at night when I tend to really snack out at about midnight.

Rivergirl :)

moonchild said...

Thanks for the comment Rivergirl. If you snack at night - all the more reason to write it all down! You might look at it in the cold light of day and reassess the type of snacks you really want!

Anonymous said...

Your diet is varied and not too much of anything. I could not survive on one piece of toast in the morn. My weight is 66 kgs for 5'7" which is quiet reasonable but I do get terrible urges for sweets or chocs after dinner or later in the evening.....What do you suggest Moonchild?

Anonymous said...

Your diet is varied and not too much of anything. I could not survive on one piece of toast in the morn. My weight is 64 kgs for 5'6" which is quiet reasonable but I do get terrible urges for sweets or chocs after dinner or later in the evening.....What do you suggest Moonchild?

moonchild said...

Wow Prissy what diet are YOU on! You lost 2kg and an inch off your height between posting comments!

Have you tried alternate snacks to satisy the sweets craving? I find the sweeter muesli bars, like honey and almond usually meet that need. Sometimes even an apple is enough. Why not try a combination - have a piece of fruit and then if you still want chocolate or sweets have some, just have less!

My midnight snack weakness is Sao's with peanut butter. I have that about once every 2 or 3 weeks and about once a month I'll have a late chocolate snack. Anything is alright, just less of it!

moonchild said...

I forgot to mention breakfast. I've never been a breakfast eater but I do occasionally have a bowl of high fibre cereal mid morning and that's very filling. I don't mean those tasteless 'health' cereals but something with lots of nuts and fruit and crunchy clusters. Don't add sugar though, sugar will kill you! And I have liquid yogurt instead of milk, just enough to wet the cereal. If you have a juicer it's a great way to start the day with a big fresh juice drink. I'm too lazy to do that first thing, just black coffee does me.

aiofe said...

Hey Moonchild,
I certainly agree with you on a few things. Writing down everything that passes your lips can be a great reality check (did I really have that much grog/choccies/coffee?) and can help you get on the right track pretty fast.
Also a big healthy veggie juice in the morning is great for the energy levels. I like carrot, beetroot, celery, and a touch of ginger. Chuck in a shot of barley or wheat grass and things really get get going!

moonchild said...

Good juice aiofe. I think a juice like that for lunch a few times a week instead of sandwiches or hamburgers would be great for health, weight and sweet cravings.
I'll be posting my week's food list up tomorrow. Hoping to see some of your lists soon!