Monday, February 5, 2007

Alternate Snack Choices

I'm no diet expert, just someone with a concern for the people I see eating themselves into health problems and not feeling good about themselves.
My advice is offered as a concerned person who would like to help others reach their maximum level of health. Even if you only pick up one or two tips from me I hope it will help you achieve a healthier way of life. Little things you can easily maintain will go a long way to helping your future shape: gradually cut down on the amount of milk and sugar you put in coffee and on cereals. If you do that over weeks and then go back to your original serving you'll wonder how you could ever have liked that sickly sweet over-milky taste!

Here are a few tips to satisfy those sweet cravings, especially the late night ones. Before you make up your mind they're not what you want, try for yourself and feel the level of satisfaction your body signals back to you. Try going for foods that have natural sugars. They will satisfy that sweet craving just as well. These snacks are not necessarily slimming but more healthy than chocolate and sweets and generally contain less fat and calories.

Instead of a chocolate bar, have a container in the fridge filled with a mixture of grated carrot and cheese (more carrot than cheese). Eat a handful then decide if you really want the chocolate. If you do, eat half - put the other half back for next time.

Keep a couple of small yogurts in the fridge.

Have a small bowl of muesli.

Keep some naturally sweet health bars handy (like honey & almond)

Cut an apple into slices, lay a thin slice of cheese on each slice.

Have a handful of olives or semi-dried tomatoes.

Here's one that won't appeal to a lot of you but I like occasionally: take about 6 pitted prunes (or dates) and lay a small piece of soft cheese (like brie) on each one.

Eat a sweet orange or other fruit with natural sugar like pineapple.

Next time you're about to buy chocolate bars, stop and decide to try health bars or sugar-free sweets.

Have you started your food list? Here's mine from Sunday 28 Jan to Saturday 3 Feb 2007

2 black coffee
bergin seed toast w smoked salmon/cream cheese
1 nectarine
glass lemon solo
stack pancakes (4) w bacon, maple syrup and scrambled eggs
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
1 nectarine
Saltine cracker w vegemite
1 Fruits of Forest muesli bar
grilled fish
green salad w dressing
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
toast w vegemite
1 apple
fruit / veg energy juice
2 toasted cheese and tomato
few Allens natural jubes
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
piece seed toast w vegemite
carrot cake
mixed fruit/veg/yogurt juice
few crackers & dip
chicken satay w rice / peanut sauce
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
toast w vegemite
1 banana
few pistachios
entree - small spring roll/ duck roll
Thai chicken & beef curries w rice
1 glass beer
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
slice wholegrain toast w vegemite
mixed fruit/veg/yogurt juice
bowl Paul's Premium Custard
3 Sao crackers w peanut butter
pineapple juice

2 black coffee
Fruit smoothie drink
2 iced fairy cakes w custard filling
BBQ butterfly pork chop w salad & potato
pineapple juice

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